2024 Website Maintenance Plans Now Available


by | December 4, 2023

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Can you believe we’re already nearing the end of 2023?! As we prepare for the new year, we’ve put together a new monthly website maintenance offer we thought might be of interest to you.

Why is website maintenance important?

Performing regular maintenance is a crucial component of your WordPress website’s security and performance. Just as your car needs regular oil changes, your website requires regular maintenance.

The WordPress core software and plugins frequently release updates, and running available updates and backing up your site regularly increases your protection against security breaches, website downtime and poor performance.

How can Inkling Design’s website maintenance plan help me?

Opting in to our website maintenance package will ensure your maintenance is being completed regularly by a confident and capable team who will alert you to any critical site issues immediately so they can be addressed and resolved as required. Regularly maintaining your website now can save you hours later!

What’s covered in the website maintenance plan?

Each month our team will take a backup of your website that we will store offline as an added precaution in the event of a cyber attack or performance issue.

Once we’ve taken the backup, we will run all available software updates to help keep your site secure.

Next we’ll assess your site to ensure there were no major issues and provide a summary of the actions performed and any noted issues in an effort to promote transparency and ownership.

Regular maintenance is crucial to a website’s overall health and performance!

Get in touch if you want more information about our plans and pricing.

Kelley Gibson headshot

Kelley Gibson

Kelley loves to make working with the web less intimidating and overwhelming for users of all levels. She believes in striving to find the simplest solutions possible to even the most complex problems. If you have questions about websites and content management, she'll do her best to find the most relatable way possible to help demystify whatever it is you have questions about.

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