Are you sharing your story as part of your brand?


by | February 26, 2024

Read time: 2 minutes

If you’ve known me (Andrea) for a while you probably know that I’m an introvert and love staying cozy at home or getting out in the solitude of nature. But, staying in my comfortable place can lead to a long and lonely road when building a business. So, whenever I can, I push myself out of my comfort zone and make a point of connecting with people who inspire me. Recently this has meant attending more events for entrepreneurs, and on Friday and Saturday I did just that. Sunday… was a quiet day to reflect and recharge my introvert battery.

Read on below for my biggest takeaway from the past few days!

The best part of an event?

One thing I really love about events is hearing other people’s stories. Hearing other people’s unique perspectives, getting to share in their joys and struggles, and realizing that there are so many common threads weaving us all together, is pretty magical.

It also makes me realize how important stories and connections are for everyone.

Are you sharing your story as part of your brand?

People buy from people they knowlike, and trust. But they can’t feel like they know you unless your story is woven through your website and marketing materials.

This doesn’t mean over sharing every detail about your life (unless that’s your thing!) but it does mean sharing enough for the people who you want to attract, to see that there is a connection.

If you struggle with getting your story out there, we can recommend some amazing people to help… from copywriters and content strategists (who are often so much better at writing about us than we are) to brand photographers that can capture your story with visuals instead of words.

And of course we can help ensure that your story is given the stage it deserves on a beautiful and strategic website. You need to draw people in AND convert them to raving fans for the magic to all come together.

Is it time to revisit how your story is shared?

On a scale of 1 to 10 how much of your personality shines through your website and online presence? If it’s hard to tell, ask someone close to you, and if you’re not hitting an 8 out of 10 think about ways you can slowly start to raise that number.

A couple tips to get you started? Make sure you have a section on your home page that introduces you and your why. You want people to feel the connection to your story early on in the customer journey through your website. You should also make sure your About page gives people opportunities to build connection with your story too. These are the first two pages people will visit to find out who you are, so make sure your story shines through.

Andrea Krones headshot

Andrea Krones

Creative Director · Co-owner

Andrea is your go-to expert for all things graphic design, UX design and website design. She brings her love of clean, modern, user-friendly layouts, and her appreciation for beautiful uses of colour and fonts to any project.

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